The FCF Store offers membership, parrot themed gifts, and Flight Club Merch all in one place! Your purchase supports our ability to help with emergencies from fly offs to triage to fires and natural disasters; funds our annual Parrot Grant; supports our ongoing environmental and climate education; helps endangered species globally and helps keep Seattle Parrot Expo free for public admission.
Just in! Harrison's Bird Foods Adult Lifetime Fine pellets for our smaller parrot friends and even non-parrot friends such as pigeons, canaries or finches! A great diet formulated by a board-certified avian vet, Dr. Greg Harrison DVM.
"People Helping Parrots, Parrots Helping People." That is the motto of Flight Club Foundation. Our Mission: "To increase awareness of and advocacy for the environment our parrots rely on by uniting communities, improving welfare, supporting conservation, assisting research, creating educational programs, inspiring adults and involving the youngest generations in the changes we need to make."
Debbie Goodrich
President and CEO
Flight Club Foundation is a 501 c3 nonprofit parrot humane society and networking organization helping parrots and people globally. Operated by a staff of 1 and a volunteer base of over 30 people, we are excited about what we learn and share with you every year and our programs that help so many every year. This is only possible by your purchases, donations, memberships, sponsorships and a few grants we get here and there. Thank you for supporting our growing network of assistance and education!